God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

To Alcohol...

Hello Alcohol-

Yes, I heard you knocking on the door again this weekend.  You thought you were so clever.  The things you said, so smooth... "A nice dinner out with your husband just isn't the same without a glass of wine, you can handle it." Whatever, alcohol, whatever.  You're not welcome around here anymore.

Did you hear that?  I said get out, leave me alone.  We don't want you or what you have to offer.  Didn't you see the sign on the door?  I know it's all LIES now.  I know that you want to rob me of everything that is good and precious in this life.  You want me dead.  You want me miserable until then.  You want my husband and my daughter to hate me.  You want me to hate myself. 

But I see all that now, I see you for what you are, and if there is anything I hate in this world it is you.  I've chosen to live.  I've chosen a life full of love.  I've given it all to God, and he's in charge now.  He's already shown me the blessings that lay in store for me.  He's got a good plan for me, that leads to happiness, joy and a lifetime of precious memories. 

And let me tell you, He is going to kick your butt.  You thought you had me figured out.  You knew my weaknesses, and were sticking your fingers into those wounds to get me to pick up a bottle and follow your plan.  And alone I'm no match for you, I would have been yours.  But look out, because my God doesn't lose.  And He don't mess around.  Consider yourself VANQUISHED.  Because that's what de does to my enemies.  Do you know what "vanquish" means?  Let me help you out...

1 : to overcome in battle : subdue completely

2 : to defeat in a conflict or contest

3 : to gain mastery over
So, in other words.  You're toast.
So you can go ahead and keep knocking.  I know you will.  I know that you'll always be there waiting.  Too bad for you.


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